Chesapeake to vote on fire levy
Published 2:55 pm Saturday, November 2, 2019
CHESAPEAKE — Voters in Chesapeake will be asked on Tuesday to renew a fire levy for the Chesapeake-Union Volunteer Fire Department.
The 1.5 mill, five-year levy would commence in 2019 and would be first due in the calendar year of 2020.
The fire department, which is shared with Union Township, has faced several expenses in recent years, such as replacing the roof on the fire station and crew members have sought and received funds from Chesapeake council to obtain new equipment and to replace outdated gear.
“It would go to our truck payment,” fire chief Joey McMaster said of levy revenue. “It’s a recurring levy and so we make a continuous payment on the truck.”
Voters in Upper Township will also be voting on a fire levy next week.
The amount for that renewal levy is 2 mills, which means that a property owner would pay 20 cents for every $100 the property is valued at. The levy is for five years.
Upper Township Volunteer Fire Department chief JD Pancake said that funds from the levy goes to things like worker’s compensation, insurance, fuel for the trucks, utility bills, and anything to do with the fire department.