Fighting for health care coverage for every Ohioan
Published 9:39 am Thursday, July 18, 2019
Last week, a federal court heard arguments in a case supported by the Trump Administration that threatens the health coverage of 20 million Americans and undermines protections for pre-existing conditions.
Let’s be very clear about what’s at stake: the president wants to get rid of the entire Affordable Care Act (ACA).
If President Donald Trump gets his way, and the court decides to take away the ACA, tax credits to help you afford health insurance and protections to stop you from being denied insurance over a preexisting condition would be gone. Five million Ohioans under age 65 have preexisting conditions. All of them would have their insurance put at risk.
The Trump Administration wants to take away the ability to stay on your parents’ insurance until you’re 26, and even Ohio’s entire Medicaid expansion. Nearly 600,000 Ohioans have health care because of the Medicaid expansion. All of them could lose coverage.
Limits on how much you pay out-of-pocket each year would be gone. So would free preventive services like mammograms and bone density screenings. The ACA made prescription drugs more affordable for seniors through closing the donut hole. That would be gone.
The list goes on.
We are doing all we can to fight back against this administration and leaders in Congress who want to scrap healthcare for millions of Americans — but we can’t fight back without Ohioans making their voices heard and sharing their stories.
We hear them time and again: stories of Ohioan who have had cancer or diabetes, or whose child has asthma or a genetic condition. They’re all terrified about what this court’s ruling could mean for their families.
Sharing those stories what allowed us to beat back all the efforts to take away these protections before.
And it’s why I want to encourage all Ohioans to keep making your voices heard. Your stories allowed us to fight every single partisan attempt to take away Ohioans’ health care, and they’re how we fight back again.
Sherrod Brown is a Democrat and the senior U.S. senator, representing Ohio. His office phone is 513-684-1021.