Ladies Nine-Hole League features trio of winners

Published 12:15 am Saturday, June 8, 2019

Jim Walker

PINE GROVE — There’s one for you, and one for you, and there’s one more for you.
Three events brought three winners during the Ironton Ladies Nine Hole Golf Association weekly outing last Tuesday.
The three winners were Lana Moore, Pat Lambert and Shirley Gleim.
The week’s hostess Margaret Donley served breakfast treats during the brief 9 a.m. business meeting and then announced the day’s events.
When the events were concluded, the ladies met for lunch and Donley announced the day’s trio of winners.
Next week’s hostess will be Pat Riggs. The brief business meeting is at 9 a.m. in the clubhouse at the Ironton Country Club.
New members are always welcomed and persons do not have to be members of the Ironton County Club to be part of the Ladies Nine Hole League and play the nine-hole course in Pine Grove.

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