Grant to pay for clean-up workers
Published 9:58 am Sunday, June 10, 2018
One Stop applied as result of flooding in county
Flooding and storms may have done major damage in Lawrence County earlier this year, but the clean up of the area will soon put many to much-needed work.
The county was among 18 in Ohio declared a disaster area by President Donald Trump on April 17.
As a result, the Lawrence County One Stop Center of Ohio Means Jobs has applied for a national dislocated workers grant from the U.S. Department of Labor.
Jewell Hackworth, director of operations for the One Stop, said they will be working with local townships and the county commission to find the need to perform tasks such as cleaning debris from streams and parks.
“With the funding we get, we go in and help clean,” she said. “Whenever we have a disaster, we are eligible to apply for dollars to help clean up,” she said.
Hackworth said as many as 100 workers could be hired for up to a year for the work.
She said they will provide training and buy tools for the workers.
“We provide chainsaw training, OSHA training and CPR training,” she said. “And we provide gear.”
She said the One Stop applied for the grant after the declaration, and funding has been approved, though the amount has not been specified yet.
“We should hear in a week or two,” she said. “This could put unemployed people back to work for up toa year.”