167 years of serving the area
Published 12:00 pm Sunday, October 8, 2017
National Newspaper Week was this week and The Tribune celebrated it like we always did— covering the news.
The Tribune is dedicated to the Herculean task of trying to cover all the news, all the time.
Whether it is getting in a family reunion in the community calendar or covering what local government is doing, we do our best to cover it all.
The Tribune has gone through many changes this year, including changing to the papers delivered by the post office to printing the paper overnight to getting new publisher.
The Tribune began in 1850 as The Register and much has changed since then.
Now, newspapers deliver the news on many different platforms. Both the Internet and social media has allowed us to reach our audience and new audiences on a daily basis.
But our mission remains the same, cover the local news. Your hometown newspaper covers the various city council, village council and county commissioner meetings so you know how taxpayer money is being spent.
This is where people find out about marriages, deaths and heck, even favorite recipes.
The Tribune has been a part of the area’s landscape for 167 years and will proudly continue for many more.