On Deck
Published 12:17 am Saturday, June 24, 2017
St. Joseph sets July 18
for athletic physicals
St. Joseph High School will offer athletic physicals for grades 6-12 on Tuesday, July 18, at the Bellefonte Hospital Vitality Center.
Any student in club sports for grades 6-8 must also have a physical exam.
There is no fee for the physical exams. The physicals are for students participating in athletics for the 2017-18 school year.
Physicals will be from 8-10 a.m. for grades 6-9 and 10 a.m. to noon for grades 9-12.
Each student athlete must have an Ohio High School Athletic Association pre-participation physical examination form. You can print this form from the OHSAA website and the forms are available in the high school office. Please complete all parts of the forms required PRIOR to the examination.
For further information, please contact the high school office at 740-532-0485 or athletic director Greg Bryant at 740-479-1713.
Athletic physical are required by the Ohio High School Athletic Association.
OHSAA volleyball class
for officiating offered
Anyone wanting to become an Ohio High School Athletic Association volleyball official must take an instructional course.
Interested persons should contact instructor Jack Welz at (740) 533-4327 (work) or (740) 532-9415 (home).
Persons should contact Welz before Monday, July 10. This year persons must go online to register with the OHSAA and pay the fee.
The first class will be held on July 10.
Ironton Elks Lodge plans
golf scramble for July 8
The Ironton Elks Lodge No. 177 will sponsor an 18-hole golf scramble on Saturday, July 8, at the Oaks Golf Course in Flatwoods, Ky.
Entry fees is $60 per player and $240 per team and includes golf, cart, beer and lunch. First place team wins $400, second place $240 and third place $100. There will be a 9 a.m. shotgun start.
To register and for more information email Steve at call@ohio.edu or contact Brad @ 614.678.2344 or Steve @ 740.533.4559.
Jackson Freedom Run
scheduled for July 4th
The 21st annual Jackson County Freedom Fest 5K Run And Walk will be held on Tuesday, July 4 and will be run through the business district and western residential section of Jackson.
The event will begin at 9 a.m. at Manpower Park on East Main Street, across from the Jackson Square Shopping Center and Krogers, 530 E. Main Street.
Entry fee is $20 for pre-registration at TriStateRacer.com and $25 the day of the race. Proceeds will go toward the sponsoring of community events by the Jackson Area Chamber Of Commerce.
All participating runners will receive newly-designed dry-weave Sports Festival T-shirts. The race will be timed by TriStateRacer.com and the course used has been certified.
Plaques will be awarded to the top three male and female finishers and medals will be given to the top three finishers in all age divisions, outside of those winning plaques, in both the male and female categories.
There will also be a one-mile walk starting simultaneously with the 5K Run. Those wishing to participate in the walk, which has no registration fee, may purchase a T-shirt for $10.
For more information on the 5K Run, please contact the Jackson Area Chamber Of Commerce at 740-286-2722 or TriStateRacer.com.
16th Circleville Dog Days
5K road race set Aug. 5
The 16th annual Circleville Dog Days 5K road race, presented by Red Barn, will be held Saturday, Aug. 5, at 9 a.m. beginning and ending at Circleville High School.
Visit www.circlevillexc.com for entry forms and online registration, or you can register the day of the race from 7:15 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.
There is a $15 preregistration fee ($20 on race day) and at least the first 150 registered will receive a free T-shirt.
The event boasts unique “Dog Days” suncatchers, given to the top three in each of 34 total age groups, plus awards to the top three overall male and female finishers.
Numerous door prizes also will be awarded, water and splits will be available on the course, and refreshments will be available at the finish.
Cincinnati Reds’ tickets
The Cincinnati Reds’ ticket hours are: non-game days Monday-Friday 9-5 p.m. Saturday 10- 4 p.m. (not open October-February); Game Days 9 a.m. until end of the 7th inning. Go online at cincinnatireds.com and click “tickets.”