Stay safe in pool season
Published 11:56 am Saturday, May 13, 2017
April showers bring May flowers, so the saying goes. It also brings to many the thought that pool weather is just around the corner.
Many of us enjoy warm weather swimming in our backyard pools. With that in mind, I’d like a moment of your time to review how to stay safe this coming pool season.
It is said that drowning is the leading cause of unintentional death in children ages 1-4. Secure your pool with appropriate barriers, with a self-closing, self-latching gate. When not in use place a safety cover over the pool and remove ladders or steps that provide access. Children should be supervised at all times! Designate a responsible person to watch the water while the pool is in use and never allow anyone to swim alone.
Enroll those who don’t know how to swim in age-appropriate swim classes. Establish and enforce rules such as “no diving,” “stay away from drain covers,” “swim with a buddy,” and “walk don’t run.”
Keeping your pool well maintained with proper chemical levels, circulation and filtration, testing regularly and adjusting the chemical levels will help minimize the risk of earaches, rashes or more serious diseases.
Having your smallest of swimmers, those in diapers, wear especially made diapers for the pool is a must. Keeping the poop out of your pool is a health issue that must be avoided or addressed immediately.
Make sure everyone in the home knows how to respond to emergencies with safety equipment and talking about water safety. Think about taking a first aid course and learn CPR. Educational materials about pool safely and hygiene can be picked up at the City of Ironton Health Department.
Be safe, enjoy your pool!
Bobbi Conrad is the director of environmental health for the City of Ironton. She can be contacted at 740-532-2172.