Mootz, Roth worked in students’ best interest
Published 10:18 am Tuesday, October 27, 2015
I would like to take this opportunity to ask voters in the Rock Hill School District to consider Mr. Tim Mootz and Mr. Keith Roth when they go to the polls on Tuesday, Nov. 3 to vote for the Rock Hill School Board.
Both men have demonstrated the dedication, ability, and leadership needed to continue their work to provide the highest quality education possible for all the students in the Rock Hill School District.
I have known, taught, worked with these men for many years having graduated with Mr. Roth from Rock Hill and having taught Mr. Mootz when I was a teacher at Rock Hill.
I can truly say that they have the best interests of the students as their main goal in running for re-election.
In closing, I urge all voters in the Rock Hill School District to exercise their right to vote on Nov. 3 and strongly consider Tim Mootz and Keith Roth when they vote.
David Bare