BackPack Buddies grateful for support

Published 10:34 am Friday, June 26, 2015

With the close of the 2014-2015 school year, BackPack Buddies would like to thank all the churches, businesses and individuals who have helped us provide more than 36,000 meals for children in our area schools.

Without your help it would be very hard for us to feed 254 children every week in 10 schools. So we truly are very thankful for all the help the community has given to us. Above all we want to praise the God of heaven for his blessing on us.

We are now preparing for the 2015-2016 school year. If you would like to help us provide food for children in our community, please contact us at,, or call Jodie Hunt at 740-534-3550.

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Thank you again for all your help.


Bob Bradley

Pastor of Campbell Chapel Church, director of Backpack Buddies