Crime: What’s the solution?

Published 12:00 am Sunday, July 27, 2014

As someone who grew up in South Point and graduated from South Point High School, it is extremely disheartening to see the recent rash of robberies and it’s something very troubling to understand. While I understand each community can have its fair share of incidents like this, the increasing number over the past couple months can quickly turn disbelief into anger.

Something that started with vehicles being broken into followed by homes, and now businesses are being robbed at gunpoint.

Ultimately, one must wonder where it ends, and what can be done to alleviate people’s needs to commit crimes like this?

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Is it harsher punishment? Possibly, but with the current state of our county’s jail system, we the taxpayer end up footing the bill because the cost is increased to send them to a facility outside the county.

So where do we go? The judicial system is somewhat hamstrung and in some cases is forced to send people to rehab centers or place the offenders on probation.

Either way, law enforcement is continually on its toes and residents have to remain vigilant to any suspicious activity.

While it is especially important at this time for South Point residents, this is true for residents throughout the county.

If you see something that just doesn’t look right, contact the authorities and let them do their jobs.

It is more important to bring the perpetrators to justice than to take action yourself.

Working together, we can help lessen the incidents and get our entire county and region on better footing.


Josh Morrison is the general manager at The Tribune. To reach him, call 740-532-1441 ext. 16 or by email at