Everyone could use a coffee break
Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 28, 2013
Recently I received a random act of kindness. A person ahead of me in line offered to pay for my purchases, saying it was a matter of personal faith and feeling the pleasure of doing something for someone else.
Obviously I was prepared and able to pay for my purchases myself or I would not have been in line. But I said, ‘Yes, thank you. I appreciate your generosity and will pay it forward.”
Apparently, this happens more often that I know. Kind people with the means and motivation will be at grocery checkouts, fast food drive-thrus or gas station waiting lines and randomly offer to pay for the next in line.
I’ll bet a few tell them no. They don’t obligate recipients in any way, but are making a fairly sure bet for doing good. Some 96 percent of Americans are born with a hard-wired conscience and will feel a natural inclination to either reciprocate or pay forward with some kindness or gift to another. It’s a good way to spread a wonderful, positive behavior.
Another generous behavior to develop in this area is “suspended coffee,” as described in an editorial in the Oct. 3, 2013, issue of the Manchester Signal newspaper. Begun in Italy, the practice has spread worldwide and been extended to sandwiches and meals.
Someone buying a coffee simply pays for a second one, whose delivery is “suspended” until someone who had a hard time affording brewed coffee outside of home asks for one and gets it for free.
Surely in this community there is a need for gifts of coffee for those less able to afford them. I’d like to see every chain restaurant or service station that serves coffee have a sign on its door saying, “Suspended coffee available here.”
Barbara Lund