On Deck
Published 1:39 am Friday, September 27, 2013
Chesy Buddy League palns registrations
The Chesapeake Buddy Basketball League will conduct registrations for the upcoming season at the Chesapeake Middle School.
Registrations will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday; 6-8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 3, and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 5.
For further information, contact Tom Curry at (740) 867-8441 or (304) 972-1862.
Ironton County Club plans golf scramble
The Ironton Country Club fall golf scramble will be held Saturday, Oct. 5.
It will be a 3-man, 2-team per tee box event. Entry fee is $180 per entry and mulligans are included. There is a $750 guaranteed payout with minimum of 11 teams and maximum of 16 teams.
For more information, contact Frank Mullens at 740-532-2511.
Ironton Little League sets annual elections
The Ironton Little League will hold its annual general membership meeting at 5 p.m. Sunday at the little league park.
The meeting is for electing the board of directors for the upcoming year.
Regular volunteer members in good standing with the league are eligible to vote and for nomination to the board. General membership participation is encouraged.
For more information, contact Gary Murnahan at (740) 533-7416 or Travis Wylie (740) 414-0081
SP Little League sets annual elections
The South Point Little League will hold its annual election of officers and open meeting at 6 p.m. Sunday at the little field shelter.
All members in good standing and volunteers are encouraged to attend.
Community Hospice 5K run set for Oct. 12
The Community Hospice will host a 5K run on Saturday, Oct. 19, starting on the campus of Ohio University Southern.
The race begins at 8:30 a.m. at Ninth and Heplar Streets. Pre-registration fee before Oct. 12 is $20. Fee after Oct. 12 is $25. Registration forms are online at www.chospice and tristateracer.com
For more information, contact Mandy Medinger at Community Hospice at (740) 532-8841 or (800) 717-1050.
Ironton chapter will hold officiating class
The Ironton Chapter of Basketball Officials and the Ohio High School Athletic Association. will conduct an OHSAA basketball officiating class beginning at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 21, at the Chesaspeake Middle School.
Fee is $140 and must be paid when registering online at www.OHSAA.org
For more information, contact David Ridenour at (740) 867-4910.
River Cities refs will hold officiating class
The River Cities Basketball Officials Association is offering its annual training class from individuals who want to become a registered basketball official.
Classes begin at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 2, at Chesapeake High School. The class is approved by the Ohio High School Athletic Association and West Virginia Secondary Schools Activities Commission.
Fee is $85 plus the state registration fees that are $65 for Ohio and $42 for West Virginia.
If registering and from Ohio, persons must first register online with the OHSAA and pay your fee by credit card. No other form of payment is accepted. Persons should go to OHSAA.org and click “officiating” and then “becoming an official.”
All other fees must be paid within the first two class sessions.
Interested persons should contact Lou Peake at (304) 529-0860 or (304) 633-8399 or email lap1117@frontier.com or contact Kevin Anderson at (304) 429-1565.
Individuals must be 18 and no longer in high school. However, those in high school may register but are limited to the types of games they may officiate.
Classes are three hours on Mondays and Wednesday for seven weeks. A rules exam will be given upon the completion of the class.