Mayoral term limit change could be put on ballot
Published 4:59 pm Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Ironton voters may be asked to decide this November whether to repeal language in the city’s charter that limits mayors to two terms in office.
When the Ironton City Council meets tonight, members could decide whether or not to add that proposed amendment to the general election ballot.
If passed, the ordinance, sponsored by councilmen Philip Heald and Butch Huff, would pose the question to voters, “Shall part of Section 3.04 of the Ironton City Charter which provides, ‘No person shall be elected to more than two full terms as mayor’ be repealed? Yes or No.”
Mayor Rich Blankenship was reelected in 2011 and is serving his second and final term in office under the current laws.
Blankenship said he is in favor of the ordinance and that Huff approached him with the idea to put the matter on the agenda. He said he believed Election Day should determine term limits
“I am allowing them to vote on it and what ever happens, happens,” Blankenship said. “That’s as far as my involvement is at this point, on that issue. We’ll just see what happens.”
Also on tonight’s agenda is an ordinance to establish rules for the safe operation of golf carts on city streets.
The ordinance would require golf carts to be inspected and approved by the chief of police or another agent approved by the state of Ohio. Golf cart owners would also be required to pay a $20 fee to the city of Ironton, provide proof of liability insurance, and comply with Ohio vehicle registration requirements.
Among other items on the agenda, another ordinance would establish a three-way stop at South Seventh and Chestnut streets. Currently, the intersection is a two-way stop.
Council meets tonight at 7 p.m. in council chambers. The finance committee and public utilities committee are scheduled to meet before the regular meeting at 5 p.m.
All meeting are open to the public.