Paving next phase for Chesapeake complex
Published 12:33 pm Tuesday, October 23, 2012
CHESAPEAKE — Work continues on the new athletic field at Chesapeake High School with the goal to get the asphalt paving done in the next month.
“There are certain things that we have to deal with in regard to timelines and one of those is blacktopping,” Chesapeake Superintendent Jerry McConnell said. “The asphalt plants close in late November and we are trying to meet those timelines.”
More than a year ago, the school district’s board of education decided to demolish the aging football stadium replacing it with a modern football-soccer-track complex.
The project has a more than $3 million price tag on it.
“By December, we would have it mostly complete,” McConnell said. “That doesn’t mean everything will be finalized.”
Last week construction crews finished installing the Astroturf on the field.
“It has been completed and the bleachers, visitors and home,” McConnell said. “The building which would house the restrooms, locker room, that type of work, can be done even in the winter. The asphalt is the key.”
The district’s goal continues to be having the complex ready in the spring for the 2013 track meet season.
“It is a very aggressive schedule,” McConnell said. “There are a lot of things coming together. It is a very exciting, wonderful opportunity for Chesapeake students.”