Christians shouldn’t support same-sex marriage

Published 12:00 am Sunday, October 14, 2012

I am writing in reference to an article in the Sept. 12 issue of the Gallipolis Daily Tribune: “Why Does Marriage Matter So Much?” by Mary Jo Kilroy. She wrote correctly on the beauty of the wedding ceremony and on marriage itself.

However she seemed to have succumbed to pressure of the homosexual community.

I want to state up front that I do not agree with the practice of homosexuality. I also want it known from the outset that, on a personal basis, we should not mistreat those who do.

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As persons, they deserve the same respect as all others and that I expect from others. I am not a “homophobe” (a made up word to put people like me on the defense).

However, because some choose to practice homosexuality does not mean that the whole of society must endorse, approve, nor change civil laws because of their choices. We all have the liberty to live as we please, but we do not have the privilege of having the State of Ohio alter its laws to mold to our choices.

If a couple of males or a couple of females decide to cohabitate and after a number of years decide to call it “marriage,” the people of the State of Ohio should not then enact a law calling it such.

If they chose to call their situation a marriage that doesn’t affect the rest of the state. The whole population should not write a law approving it. Ms. Kilroy cites the fact that some states have caved in and due to the nature of politics some officials and the President have endorsed same-sex marriages as a reason for the State of Ohio to do the same.

The discussion should go much deeper than that.

For example, what does nature teach us? Two men or two women can’t reproduce, but in order to have it appear as a normal relationship, they adopt a child (created by one male and one female). That may give it the appearance of a normal marriage, but they would have to have the help of a natural relationship to produce that child.

In addition, that child must grow up not knowing father and mother role models, and the State of Ohio, through civil law, would be party to that situation all because two same-sex individuals chose to cohabitate. This may not seem to be a problem with Ms. Kilroy, but well over 70 percent of the population in the State of Ohio claim Christianity as their faith.

While some may be nominal Christians, they still claim the Bible as their guide.

She is saying to them that they should vote for a law or politicians that support what their faith calls sin.

I do not wish to be mean spirited but do want to defend my belief that God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve, and that was by creative design.

If someone wishes to practice drug use, they have the liberty to do so, but we don’t need to change civil law to support and endorse it. If some want to practice homosexuality and lesbianism they have that liberty also, but we don’t need to change a law in Ohio to encourage it.

I know that Ms. Kilroy wants to be “politically correct” because she has served as representative in Ohio’s 15th Congressional District. I also know she is serving with a group called the Freedom Ohio campaign for marriage equality (pushing same-sex marriage) which may be why she submitted her article.

My motive is not to be “politically correct,” nor to push some new organization. Rather it is to be morally correct and oppose those who would attempt to lower the moral standards of individuals and the State of Ohio.

I am not defending any new organization, but I am writing in support of Biblical truth which has served well for more than 2,000 years helping millions escape sin and giving a defense against those who would try to lower its standards.

Using the words “love,” “marriage,” and “companionship” in her article are touching, but they are used to sell an idea that is wrong even if practiced by some.

In that book I mentioned, we are told to watch out for those who “call evil good and good evil.”

The bottom line is: Christians should not sign any petition to support same-sex marriage.

Denny Coburn

Barnabas Ministries
