Partnership helps dreams come true
Published 12:00 am Sunday, August 19, 2012
Everyone has heard of proverbial “win-win” scenarios, but the proposed partnership between Habitat for Humanity and the Lawrence County government is a perfect illustration of this type of success.
Habitat announced late last week that it will be expanding its operations to include the bulk of Lawrence County, signifying a huge success for the region by adding an organization that has been so successful.
Habitat, which had previously focused on Cabell County in West Virginia, has built 78 houses there for low-income families who were living in substandard housing but were willing to help themselves make a change.
Making this announcement even more exciting is a proposed partnership with the Lawrence County Treasurer’s Office and the county commissioners to demolish dilapidated structures and return delinquent properties to the tax rolls by building new houses on them.
It would be very difficult to think of a way that this could work better. The proposed partnership slated to really get going by the end of the year and pick up more in 2013 will be a tremendous addition to Lawrence County.
Everyone involved should be proud.
In the end, this will help make the American dream a reality for more families and address the county’s nightmare of long delinquent taxes.
That is “win-win” by any definition.