D-B school district recognized for efforts

Published 9:59 am Monday, January 16, 2012

COAL GROVE — To recognize them for their commitment to serving the district, the Ohio School Board Association presented the 2012 Dawson-Bryant Board of Education members a token to say thanks.

At the board’s organizational meeting Monday, the OSBA presented each member with a certificate and thanked them for their continued service to the district.

“Every January is Board Recognition Month throughout Ohio,” said Dennis DeCamp, superintendent. “It’s a way to say thanks for the upcoming year … recognizing their efforts.”

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The board also elected DeAnna Holliday as board president and Jim Beals as vice president. Holliday has served on the board for the past four years; Beals 12 years.

Other board members are Sadie Mulkey, who has been on the board for 37 years, Debbie Drummond, who has served 16 years, and Jamie Murphy, who has served nine years.

DeCamp said he looked forward to working with the board this years and thanked Drummond for her previous years serving as president.

During the meeting, the board discussed upcoming goals for the year.

DeCamp said the board talked about coming up with employee recognition programs, continuing to improve the district’s drug prevention program and be proactive and continuing to cultivate proper line of communication in district.

“We want to maintain the positive relationships we’ve had this year and to continue working as professions should,” DeCamp said.

DeCamp also informed the board that the district will receive a rebate check from American Electric Power at the next meeting.

Representatives from AEP will present the district with a check for more than $120,000 as a one-time rebate for the district’s recent “green” efforts.

Through the Ohio School Facilities Commission Energy Conservation Program, or House Bill 264, the district has been able to make energy efficient improvements to save money for the district.

Columbus-based Sabo/Limbach Energy Services audited the district for several months to see where improvements could be made. Based on the firm’s assessment and the ability to use HB 264, the district took out a $1.69 million dollar loan at about a 6 percent interest rate and to be re-paid over 15 years.­­

“With that rebate, that will probably pay the interest on our loan,” DeCamp said.

The next school board meeting is 5 p.m. Feb. 6 at the board office.