Christmas time to keep spirits up

Published 10:20 am Thursday, December 16, 2010

Just about everyone enjoys a white Christmas, but the danger can come when the holiday season takes on shades of a different color.

This is the time of year that many Americans start to feel blue, feeling the pressures and anxiety that can sometimes come with the holiday season.

What should be a celebratory and happy time becomes a source of stress and worry.

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Health experts say that depression often increases during this time of year.

Although this may not happen to you, it may affect the ones you love. Each and every person can spread a little Christmas cheer by working with loved ones and family to keep a positive attitude about the Christmas season.

The warning signs can be obvious when someone is starting to feel depressed or overwhelmed with the expectations and anticipation of the holiday.

Friends and family must do their part to keep their eyes open and encourage loved ones when it becomes obvious they may be feeling down.

Positive reinforcement, kind words and a general show of love and compassion can make all the difference. Christmas’ colors should remain green and red, and maybe with a little white sprinkled in.

There is no place for blue in this year’s holiday celebration.

In the spirit of Christmas, we must try to help keep everyone’s Christmas spirits up.