Strickland misled public over Kasich’s NRA rating
Published 10:44 am Tuesday, November 2, 2010
This is in regards to an article from Sunday, Oct. 24, “Strickland makes stop in South Point.”
Shame on Mr. Strickland for falsely stating in his comment about John Kasich having an “F” rating with the NRA. What year were you talking about, Ted? This is 2010.
John Kasich has come a long way since 1994 and you know it. John Kasich is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. He is a gun-owner, as well as his running mate, Mary Taylor.
For your information, Ted, John Kasich was given a “B” rating from the National Rifle Association and Mary Taylor was given an “A” rating.
Why did you fail to mention that your running mate is the one the NRA actually gave an “F” rating to? Would that be because your running mate, Yvette McGee Brown, has publicly voiced her anti-Second Amendment vote? I think that would deserve an “F” rating.
If Strickland was so concerned and so supportive of sportsmen in our state, he would start with protecting our Second Amendment rights first. Instead he goes out of his way to offend gun owners by deliberately selecting lieutenant governor candidates who are openly hostile to the Second Amendment.
Lee Fisher was a board member of Handguns Control, Inc., and, again, Yvette Brown publicly voiced her anti-Second Amendment views. What kind of support for sportsmen is that?
John Kasich and Mary Taylor are united in their strong support of the right to bear arms.
As a member of Congress, John received three “A” level NRA ratings, was endorsed by the NRA three times and received campaign contributions from the NRA six times.
Mary Taylor received the NRA “A” rating in the legislature. I call that plan good, common sense for not only sportsmen, but for every person or individual who wants to keep and bear arms for pleasure or for defense of their homes, their family or their country!
God Bless America!
Randy Harper
Kitts Hill