Collins Career Center opens doors for students

Published 12:00 am Sunday, October 24, 2010

My name is Todd Boyer. I am a senior at Collins Career Center. My program class is Auto Collision, taught by Cecil Coffman. I came to Collins Career Center knowing nothing about auto collision.

I had no real plan for my future, but with the help of Mr. Coffman’s teaching skills and the know how, I learned quickly.

I passed all of my classes my junior year with almost perfect scores. All of my teachers were very helpful and respectful, which is a very important key to teaching successfully. I enjoyed all of my classes, especially auto collision.

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Summer came along and I needed a job. I didn’t want a job flipping burgers or bagging groceries. I wanted a job in the auto collision field because I liked it so much. I went to Tackett’s Body Shop on Second street in Ironton.

I started work a few days after I talked to them.

I was working through the Workforce Development Resource Center on a program that would allow Tackett’s to see what I could do.

To their surprise, I knew a lot.

My second day I was sanding and buffing to their satisfaction. A week later they tested me on small dents, working body filler, which I also completed to their satisfaction. All of which I was taught in class by Mr. Coffman.

It was time for school to start back up again, and the Workforce Development Resource Center’s program only paid during the summer. I was worried I would end up without a job again.

As soon as school started again I went to Mr. Coffman and told him about it. He got me into the apprenticeship program. He helped me so much. He told us he would do anything he could to help us get a job, and he did. I only missed one week of work before I started back.

Collins Career Center is a great place to go for the training and education of a career you want to get into. If it wasn’t for the help of Mr. Coffman and the rest of CCC working with Tackett’s Body Shop to get me a job then I wouldn’t have been able to pursue my career dreams.

I am still going to Collins for my last school credit and then going to work. After this semester I will be able to work full-time.

Thank you Mr. Coffman and thank you Collins Career Center.

Todd Boyer, Rock Hill High School