Treasurer’s office organizing cancer walk at courthouse
Published 10:31 am Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Lawrence County’s annual Relay For Life is Friday and Saturday in Chesapeake, but Lawrence County Treasurer Stephen Dale Burcham is hoping area residents will get into the spirit of things a little early.
His office is organizing a cancer walk at 11 a.m. Friday. It will begin at the Lawrence County Courthouse.
“This is to denote the impact cancer has had on a lot of people not only in our county but in our country. Hopefully someday, we can find a cure,” Burcham said.
Burcham said the public is invited to join in the walk and everyone who participates is asked to wear pink.
Burcham said he has sent invitations to all other courthouse offices as well. This is the first time the treasurer’s office has organized a cancer walk.