Council to discuss cable rate increase
Published 11:23 am Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Ironton City Council has a full slate for Thursday’s meeting with 12 ordinances and four resolutions on the agenda.
Also included will be discussion on communication from Time Warner Cable about rate increases.
According to a letter to the city from Time Warner, beginning Jan. 1 rates will increase for basic cable, expanded cable and classic cable services. Basic rates will increase from $16.08 per month to $17.37. Expanded cable goes from $38 to $41.04 and classic cable jumps from $54.08 to $58.41. All Roadrunner high speed data services increase by $1.04 and equipment lease fees also increase slightly.
Council will give third reading to the much discussed issue of septic haulers. The ordinance would increase rates for non-local haulers and would create more stringent rules for what constitutes a local hauler.
Council will give second readings to ordinances to:
—Adopt the temporary operating budget for 2009.
—Fine pet owners for not cleaning up after their pets. If passed, violators would be fined not less than $25 and not more than $100 if pet feces is not removed from public property or property that is not owned by the pet owner.
—Transfer certain property on Third Street to the Ironton Port Authority.
Council will give first readings to ordinances to:
—Update the stormwater management erosion and sediment control code.
—Update various outdated language in the charter.
—Amend the 2008 operating budget for expenses in sanitation, water and wastewater.
—Require competitive bidding and estimates for purchases.
—Authoritze the mayor to file and execute a safety grant application with the Ohio BWC.
—Authoritze the mayor to award bids for the purchase of chemicals in 2009.
—Authorize the mauor to award bids for construction materials.
—Authorize the mayor to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Community Facility Initiative Program.
Council will consider resolutions that would:
—Support an application to the Clean Ohio Council.
—Repeal an ordinance that allowed for the transfer of $40,000 from the general fund to the Water Fund. Instead, $90,000 would be transferred from the Wastewater Treatment Plant Equipment Replacement Fund.
—Authorize the finance director to have oversight of the day-to-day operations in the water department.
Council meetings are the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 6 p.m. on the third floor of the Ironton City Center.