County seniors can catch a glimpse of high-tech world
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 1, 2002
Senior citizens trying to stay independent will get a chance to see what high-tech assistance is available.
An educational symposium is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday at the Multi-Purpose Senior Citizen Center at Sybene.
Eight companies will display different equipment and gadgets including wheeled walkers with built-in chairs, motorized lift cushions, electric wheel chairs, alert devices in case of emergencies and much more, said Marilyn Howard, president of the Lawrence County AARP.
"There are a lot of new things out there today," she said. "It is very important because we never know what tomorrow will bring. We need to be prepared."
All the demonstrations are free and no one is obligated to buy anything, she said.
Howard wanted to encourage younger people to come as well and bring their parents because it is never too early to start planning for the future.
"It is really important that we educate ourselves before we get sick so we will know what is out there," she said.
Representatives from different housing facilities will also be there. Many of these houses are not as expensive as people think, Howard said.
Howard said she wants seniors to realize that there are resources that can make their lives easier.
"Let's try to make our later years as happy as we can and keep our independence as long as we can," she said.
The program, sponsored by the Lawrence County AARP chapter 5029, was offered last year and was a success, Howard said.