Herrell family to host field day this weekend
Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 4, 2001
WILLOW WOOD - Get ready farmers, it’s almost time for field day.
Thursday, October 04, 2001
WILLOW WOOD - Get ready farmers, it’s almost time for field day.
The Jim, Tracy, Evan and Alec Herrell farm, located on State Route 217 in Linnville, will play host to this year’s Lawrence County Agriculture Field Day on Saturday.
For the uninitiated, field day is a chance for farmers – or any others interested in the agriculture field – to discuss trends and issues in the agribusiness.
The event kicks off at 5 p.m. with a cornbread, beans and hot dog dinner. Starting at 6 p.m. event-goers will load onto wagons and tour the Herrell’s farm, stopping at information stands along the way.
Some of the topics that will be covered, Carrie Cheek, the education coordinator for the Lawrence Soil and Water Conservation District said, will include high tensile fencing, rotational grazing, artificial insemination, and tobacco stripping and grading.
Games for children and teens will be held after the wagon tour and until the field day winds down at 8 p.m.
Display booths also will be staged and will cover current topics in the agriculture field. The booths will cover issues such as grass waterways, spring development and tile drainage.
Those interested in setting up a display still have time, Cheek said. She added those interested in the field day can call the LSWCD office at 867-4737.