Industrial Park Paints Brighter Future
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 22, 2000
The City of Ironton took one giant step forward Monday, setting the grant wheels in motion to develop the former Allied Signal property left behind after decades of use.
Wednesday, November 22, 2000
The City of Ironton took one giant step forward Monday, setting the grant wheels in motion to develop the former Allied Signal property left behind after decades of use.
For several years, the property sat vacant. Now, its expanse of flat land is ripe for the industrial picking – with the help of Appalachian Regional Commission dollars, state money and local funds to purchase the property.
At a time when many predict gloom and doom about our fair city, the action could not come at a better time.
City leaders have chosen to show that, even if the chips are down, we must look to the future.
Ironton will grow again.
Ironton will prosper.
It’s true that will take hard work to achieve. In fact, the city faces budget woes that would make most accountants take a deep breath.
Yet, putting money into a project now – a project that will reap financial rewards for not only residents but also the city for years to come – is one of the best ways to address those woes.
Just wait and see.