Apply now for OVRDC’s Surface Transportation Block Grant Program
Published 12:00 am Saturday, February 19, 2022
The Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission (OVRDC) is announcing the implementation of a new Regional Transportation Planning Organization (RTPO) funding program called the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG).
House Bill 74 of the 134th Ohio General Assembly allocated $5.2 million in funding over the biennium for the creation of a Regional Transportation Planning Grant Program to assist rural communities with transportation projects. Each Regional Transportation Planning Organization in Ohio received an allocation of STBG funding for state fiscal years 2022 and 2023.
“We hope this is just the starting point for additional transportation financing to be available to rural Ohio. How effective we are in identifying and recommending viable projects for this funding will help with consideration of continuous funding as well as any potential increases in the funding,” said John Hemmings, Executive Director of OVRDC.
This will be the first round for the program and the future of the program will depend on the continuation of state and federal funding with guidance from the Ohio Department of Transportation.
The OVRDC STBG allocation can be used for roadway projects that occur on federal-aid eligible routes, with a few exceptions. Exceptions to that rule include bike/ped, transit, safety, and non-highway freight projects. If you are unsure whether a project is located on a federal-aid eligible route, please consult the OVRDC Federal Aid Route map on our website.
“The launch of the RTPO Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) program is a very exciting time for OVRDC. We can begin to implement the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan through the financing of local projects. We hope this is only the beginning of big things to come in our region,” said Stephanie Gilbert, OVRDC Transportation Coordinator.
Applications are due March 25, 2022, by 3 p.m. Electronic submissions will not be accepted. Applications must be received in our office by deadline date and time.