Briggs Library news – 4/4/2020
Published 8:07 am Saturday, April 4, 2020
The Briggs Lawrence County Public Library will remain closed until at least Monday, April 20 to ensure social distancing and public safety during the COVID-19 outbreak.
In light of the newest “Stay at Home” orders issued by the Ohio Department of Health and the Governor of Ohio, the library is taking this action to ensure compliance with guidelines from the federal and state governments. This target date will be reevaluated subject to conditions at that time.
“We continue to apologize for the inconvenience to our library patrons and the community,” Joe Jenkins, Briggs Library executive director, said. “As part of the closings, we are suspending all overdue fines and have extended the checkout period for anything currently checked out to June 1.”
He said they have also removed any restrictions based on fines or overdue items for the library’s digital services, which will remain available 24 hours a day through the library’s website at