College Credit Plus updated due to COVID-19
Published 9:25 am Thursday, April 2, 2020
COLUMBUS — At the recommendation of Chancellor Randy Gardner and Superintendent of Public Instruction Paolo DeMaria, previously existing statutes, rules, and guidance relating to the College Credit Plus (CCP) program have been updated in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.
The updates attempt to provide as much flexibility as possible for students while continuing to implement the CCP program. CCP is Ohio’s dual enrollment program, providing students with the opportunity to earn college and high school credits at the same time.
A document listing the updates was released last week after Gov. Mike DeWine signed House Bill 197, detailing the state’s COVID-19 relief legislation. The bill granted new flexibility to the Chancellor, in consultation with the State Superintendent, to waive, extend, suspend, or modify requirements of the CCP program in response to COVID-19.
“Our new College Credit Plus guidance is designed to provide student-focused direction as we continue the important work of sustaining the program,” Chancellor Gardner said. “This is a strangely challenging time for all of us, but our updates will continue to allow many students to be served and learn in the weeks and months ahead.”
The Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) and Ohio Department of Education (ODE) engaged dozens of teachers, school counselors and college CCP directors throughout the state to seek feedback in preparing the updates. The result is maximum flexibility to high school and higher education partners, keeping students at the forefront of the decision-making process.
“The College Credit Plus program is a great opportunity for Ohio’s students,” said State Superintendent of Public Instruction Paolo DeMaria. “Given the unprecedented challenges we all are facing, we wanted to provide solutions so students who are eager to get involved with this program continue to have the ability to do so.”
Gardner said not every situation or circumstance can be comprehensively addressed in one document. ODE and ODHE will continue to monitor all aspects of the CCP program going forward.
For more information on the CCP program, including details about the new updates, visit