Registration now open for women’s conference

Published 8:31 am Wednesday, March 6, 2019

OUS Proctorville to host event

PROCTORVILLE — Registration is underway for Women’s Conference, hosted by the Ohio University Southern Proctorville Center.

This is the eighth Women’s Conference, which will take place on Friday, March 29. The event, which will run from 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., is designed to acknowledge, empower, support and enrich women in the Tri-State.

A series of breakout sessions will be offered throughout the day and attendees will have opportunities to network with others at the event. Amy Compston of “Amy for Africa” will offer the keynote luncheon address. Compston, of Ashland, is an accomplished marathoner, inspirational speaker and fulltime missionary. She will speak about her recovery from a 14-year drug and alcohol addiction and her work to develop schools in Africa.

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Other session topics include Mind FULL: Practical Tools for Self-Care; Everyday Gourmet; Walking for the Health of It; Femalachian; Project First Expression; Lady Boss; and more.

“The variety of informative breakout sessions is tailored to meet the different interests of women who attend the conference,” said Dr. Kristi Barnes, co-chair of the event. “It is our hope the attendees will learn from the conference and become enriched and empowered.”

Registration to attend the Women’s Conference is $30. The student rate is $20. Lunch is included.

Sponsorships keep the conference cost low, said Stephanie Burcham, co-chair of the event.

“Great support from the community ensures the success of our Women’s Conference,” Burcham said, adding that the 2019 sponsors for the event include Citizens Deposit Bank, Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce, iHeart Media, St. Mary’s Medical Center, Health and Safety Sciences, LLC., Marathon, Armstrong, The Tribune and the Ohio University Alumni Association.

The conference is open to both women and men. Online registration is available at or call 740-886-7655 for more information. The Women’s Conference will take place at the Proctorville Center, located at 111 Private Drive 516 in Proctorville.