Ladies Nine Hole League conducts final meeting

Published 2:07 am Saturday, October 6, 2018

Jim Walker

PINE GROVE — The rain stopped the golfing. It didn’t stop the ladies, though.
While rain washed away the weekly Tuesday golf outing of the Ladies Nine Hole Golf Association of the Ironton Country Club, the group still met for its last meeting of the season.
Present at the meeting were Lana Moore, Sharon Fox, Dora Carmon, Pat Lambert, Pat Riggs, Margaret Donley, Wanda Spears and Shirley Gleim.
Although it was disappointing not to have the opportunity to golf, the women still met to socialize and enjoyed a carry-in lunch together.
The group began discussions about the annual winter Christmas lunch party that will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 11, at the Bellefonte Country Club in Bellefonte, Ky.
Former members are also invited to attend.
Anyone attending the Christmas party should bring a wrapped gift.
The group has no more meetings schedule for the year but golfers may continue to meet and play golf at $10, weather permitting.

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