On Deck

Published 11:54 pm Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Tiger Clan athletic
boosters meeting set
The Ironton High School Tiger Clan athletic boosters will be meet at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday at Buffalo Wild Wings.

ILL fall leagues
to begin August 26
The Ironton Little League fall baseball and softball league will be held from 2-4 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 26 to Sunday, Sept. 30 at the league complex.
Fee is $20 per player and $10 for each sibling. T-shirts will be provided.
The league will feature instruction and competitive play.
If enough players, teams will have their own league. If not, they will play local teams.
For more information, call (740) 414-0080.

ILL annual membership
meeting September 23
The Ironton National Little League will conduct its annual general membership meeting and board of directors elections at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 23, at the little league complex.
Any member in good standing with the league is eligible for election to the board.
Each year the ILL elects five members to the Board of Directors for a three-year term (unless elected to an unexpired term).
Anyone interested should contact a board member no later than seven days prior to the elections.

Email newsletter signup

SV girls’ basketball
golf scramble Sept. 9
The Symmes Valley Lady Vikings’ annual 3-man golf scramble will be held Sunday, Sept. 9, at the Oaks Golf Course in Flatwoods, Ky.
Shotgun start is at 1 p.m. Entry fee is $180 per team and includes lunch, a mug and a red tee.
First place is $00, second place $200 and third place $100 based on 20 teams.
There are also prizes for longest drive and longest putt.
Also, hole sponsorships are $50.
Anyone interested in registering for the scramble and/or sponsoring a hole should call (740) 643-2908 or (740) 534-2283.

Cincinnati Reds’ tickets
The Cincinnati Reds’ ticket hours are: non-game days Monday-Friday 9-5 p.m. Saturday 10- 4 p.m. (not open October-February); Game Days 9 a.m. until end of the 7th inning.
Go online at cincinnatireds.com and click “tickets.”