On Deck

Published 12:19 am Thursday, August 10, 2017

St. Joseph golf team
meeting Thursday
Anyone interested in playing golf at St. Joseph High School should meet at 4 p.m. on Thursday at the school. Any number of golfers can play, but at least four players are needed to have a team score.
For further information, contact Frank Mullins at (740) 237-0019.


OVC volleyball preview
Friday at Fairland H.S.
The Ohio Valley Conference volleyball preview will be held Friday at Fairland High School.
Games begin at 5 p.m. Each team will play the best two-out-of-three match. Admission is $5.
Here is the schedule:
5:00 Portsmouth vs. Ironton; 6:00 Gallipolis vs. South Point; 7:00 Coal Grove vs. Rock Hill; 8:00 Chesapeake vs. Fairland.

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CG basketball plans
car wash on Saturday
The Coal Grove boys’ and girls’ basketball program will sponsor a car wash at 10:30 a.m. Saturday in front of the junior high on Hornet Lane.
Donations will be accepted and all proceeds will go to the boys’ and girls’ basketball programs.


Ironton season football
tickets now on sale
Ironton Fighting Tigers’ season football tickets are now on sale.
Tickets for five homes games are $37 per ticket. Checks should be made payable to IHS Athletic Dept.
PLEASE NOTE: Ticket orders MUST include a self-addressed stamped envelope — two to three stamps depending on the number of tickets ordered — and mailed to:
IHS Athletic Department
1701 South 7th Street
Ironton, OH 45638
If a large amount of tickets is ordered, please apply extra postage.
Please include a phone number with your order. Please do not drop off orders at the main office of the school or the auto shop garage, but instead contact the athletic department for any question or specific needs.
Tickets will be mailed out starting on Aug. 10. If fans do not receive their tickets by Aug. 21, contact the athletic department at  (740) 532-5235 during school hours.


OVC football preview
at Portsmouth Aug. 12
The Ohio Valley Conference football preview will be held on Saturday, Aug. 12, at Portsmouth High School’s Trojan Coliseum.
Each game will consist of two quarters. Admission will be at the gate. Coaches passes will not be permitted. Gates open at 3:45 p.m.
Here is the schedule:
5:00 Fairland vs. Chesapeake; 6:00 South Point vs. Gallipolis; 7:00 Rock Hill vs. Coal Grove: 8:00 Ironton vs. Portsmouth.
The second team listed is the home team.


ILL baseball/softball
fall league offered
The Ironton Little League is offering a fall baseball and softball league for youths ages 7-to-16.
The league is only on Sundays from Aug. 20 to Oct. 8. Games and instructions are from 2-4 p.m.
Fee is $20 per player and $10 for each additional sibling. T-shirts will be provided.
If enough players register, there will be own league play. If not, the league will attempt to schedule local teams.
For futher information, call (740) 414-0080.


SOC volleyball preview
Aug. 19 at Ports. Clay
The Southern Ohio Conference girls’ volleyball preview will be held Saturday, Aug. 19, at Portsmouth Clay High School.
The preview begins at 10 a.m. Each contest consist of two sets to 21. Admission is $5. Here is the schedule with the home team listed first:
Symmes Valley vs. Minford; New Boston vs. Wheelersburg; Western vs. Portsmouth West; Portsmouth Notre Dame vs. South Webster; Green vs. Oak Hill; Eastern vs. Lucasville Valley; Sciotoville East vs. Northwest.