All aboard! Railroad society show comes to Huntington

Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 25, 2010

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. — Next stop, the 53rd annual Appalachian Model Railroad Society Show at the Veterans Memorial Field House in Huntington.

If you have family in town for the Thanksgiving holiday, organizers for the model train show said that there is something or everyone to enjoy this weekend.

“It’s going to be full house again,” said AMRS member Paul Fulks. The 73-year-old said he looks forward to the show every year.

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The Huntington native said he has been a member of the AMRS since 1970 and also remembers attending the first model railroad show in 1958 when the local Marine Corps Reserves sponsored the event.

Admission to that first show was a toy donation for the Toys for Tots program and was held in the Appalachian Power building on Sixth Avenue in downtown.

“I got into trains when my sons were small,” Fulks said, remembering the first train set he bought them and how he enjoyed it so much. “Then I wouldn’t let them play with it.”

Fulks said that the AMRS took over sponsoring the show in 1975 and have been running it ever since. Part of the proceeds of this year’s show would go to a hospice facility in Huntington.

Ernie Clay, AMRS show organizer, said that he expects 2,500 to 3,000 people to come to the three-day show.

“There will be quite a few different layouts,” he said of the 12 displays that would be set up. He also said there would be around 900 tables with people selling and trading different train memorabilia and books.

CSX will also be at the show teaching children about railroad safety with their “Stop, Look and Listen” motto and giving out hats.

Both Clay and Fulks said that they have seen many children grow year after year at these shows.

They also said that when those children grow into adults, they bring their own children to experience the trains.

“They are going to see a nice show,” Fulks said. “There is something for everyone.”

The Appalachian Railroad Society Show will be Nov. 26-28. The hours are Friday 5-9 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-8 p.m. and Sunday noon-4:30 p.m.

Admission is $5 for adults. Children under 12 will be admitted for $1.