PND nips Lady Vikings

Published 2:01 am Thursday, April 20, 2017

Jim Walker

AID — The Symmes Valley Lady Vikings are close, but they’re not there just yet.
The Lady Vikings played well but lost 5-3 to the Portsmouth Notre Dame Lady Titans in a Southern Ohio Conference game on Wednesday.
“Sarah (Kingery) threw well. Notre Dame took advantage of their opportunities and we made too many mistakes,” said Lady Vikings’ coach Jeff “Odie” Estep.
Notre Dame took a 1-0 lead in the first when Cassie Schaefer homered.
Baylee Webb and Maggie Whitman walked and they scored when Kayla Hadsell reached on an error.
The Lady Vikings got a run in the bottom of the inning when Taylor Webb hit a solo home run.
Each team got a run in the fifth.
Molly Hoover singled, stole second and scored on Hadsell’s double.
Sarah Kingery singled, Haylee Littlejohn doubled and Sierra Ross grounded out for the Lady Vikings run.
Both teams got a run in the seventh.
Hadsell doubled, moved up on an error and scored when Schaefer grounded out.
Kingery singled, went to second on a wild pitch and came home on Webb’s double in the bottom of the inning.
The Lady Vikings go to Eastern on Friday.
Notre Dame    102    010    1    =    5    6    1
Sym. Valley    001    010    1    =    3    6    2
Maggie Whitman, Hagen Schaefer (6) and Molly Hoover. Sarah Kingery and Ericca Ross. W-Whitman (K-5, BB-1). L-Kingery (K-4, BB-2). Hitting-PND: Molly Hoover 1-4, Cassie Schaefer 1-4, Kayla Hadsell 2-4 2-2B, Sydney Whitman 1-3, Catelynn Ball 1-3; SV: Taylor Webb 3-4 2-RBI, 2B HR, Sarah Kingery 2-4, Sierra Ross 1-4, Haylee Littlejohn 1-4, Kara Saunders 1-3.

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