Ladies’ 9-Hole League plans guest day

Published 2:19 am Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Jim Walker


PINE GROVE — The weather is turning more comfortable but the Ladies Nine Hole Golf Association of the Ironton Country Club has always been relaxed.

The Ladies Nine Hole Association is continuing to meet at 9 a.m. and teeing off at 9:30 with plenty of golf, fun, food and relaxing conversation.

The group will be inviting some non-members to join the laid back atmosphere when they host Guest Day on Tuesday, Oct. 6.

Last week’s hostess: Dora Carmon.

Event winners: Dora Carmon, Rose Auble, Joyce Lewis.

Next week’s hostess: Sharon Fox.

Again, a brief business meeting is at 9 a.m. that includes breakfast snacks. Golfing begins at 9:30 followed by lunch and the announcement of the day’s event winners.

New members are always welcome.