Cattle sale goes online
Published 10:26 am Friday, May 2, 2014
CHESAPEAKE — The newly formed Lawrence County Cattleman’s Association is taking an annual event and putting it on the Internet.
“This will be the third year for the Spring Fling Sale where local cattle producers pull some of their best cattle offspring and try to market them,” Gene Myers, a member of the cattleman’s association, said.
This spring the cattle will be marketed on as well as at the farm of veterinarian Dr. Mike Dyer, 4678 County Road 17, Chesapeake, off Big Branch Road.
“We have expanded our sale to Internet sales and that is kind of unique,” Myers said. “It’s on right now. It starts on Sunday for local people.”
There will be 24 animals for sale for the online live auction with bidding starting at noon until 8 p.m. Sunday. There will also be other cattle available for local sale at Dyer’s farm from 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Sunday.
The cattleman’s association started in August and currently has between 50 and 60 members.
“It is a bunch of like-minded people who produce calves and show cattle,” Myers said. “We decided to pool our resources and offer the sale so we could promote what we have.”