Board hears estimates on buildings’ cost
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 28, 2000
CHESAPEAKE – The Chesapeake Board of Education passed two resolutions Monday night that set the stage for detailed cost estimates of the district’s new schools.
Tuesday, March 28, 2000
CHESAPEAKE – The Chesapeake Board of Education passed two resolutions Monday night that set the stage for detailed cost estimates of the district’s new schools.
One resolution estimates the high school renovation will cost $471,966. The other resolution estimates the new middle school construction will cost $8,721,113.
Both resolutions – overseen by legal counsel Peck, Shaffer and Williams – approve general project schedules and other paperwork and direct the board’s architect and construction manager to proceed with design development documents.
Board president Mike Curry said the resolutions were routine in the school system’s process to put students into new and better classrooms.
Also, the board will meet next week with its architect from Tanner Stone and Co., construction manager Bob McAuliffe of BBL Maescher DAG and others to discuss the building project.
The meeting will be 6:30 p.m. at the middle school library.
The district’s $16.6 million school construction and renovation project moved forward last year when area residents approved a bond levy during a special February election.
The state will contribute $14.2 million to the project, and the additional $2.4 million will come from the community property tax levy.
The project will include the construction of a new middle school and the renovation of and addition to the district’s current elementary and high schools.
The architect has said final plans could be approved by the first of May. After the plans are approved, the district is expected to advertise for bids and award a contract.
Start of construction should come in July, with the new middle school ready for use by Sept. 2001.
The Ohio School Facilities Commission must approve Monday night’s resolutions, as well as most future work on the project.
The resolutions authorized the architect and construction manager to develop drawings, outlines of construction specifications and other documents that describe the scope and characteristics of the work.
The resolutions also ask for detailed estimates of construction costs and project schedules that list milestone completion dates for the work.