Local high school students visit OUS for Campus Days

Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 11, 2003

Graduation is just a few months away for Lawrence County's 2004 senior class, so Ohio University Southern wants to make sure the graduates know what is available right here in their backyard.

Ironton High School seniors visited the campus Wednesday on the first day of the Campus Days program that invites students from all the high schools in Lawrence and Scioto counties and some from Kentucky to come see what the university offers.

OUS began this program more than 12 years ago to help the students see what is available and to help them know what to look for on campus visits to other schools, said Dr. Kim Keffer, director of enrollment services.

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"Higher education is one of the biggest investments of time and money any individual will ever make," she said. "We would never do that with anything else without shopping around, so students shouldn't do that with higher education.

"We tell them we don't expect you leave here with all the answers," Keffer said. "But we hope you now have all the right questions."

The students toured the campus, got a hands-on look at the electronic media department, met some of the faculty, learned about some of the programs and played an interactive game called the Reality Store aimed at

teaching fiscal responsibility.

Many of the students said they enjoyed the visit for a variety of reasons.

"It is a great learning experience," Ralene Fitzpatrick said. "I plan to pursue a career in computers and this helped me consider this school."

Fitzpatrick and her friend Maegen Eaches were both impressed with the school's electronic media department.

"We learned how radio works," Eaches said. "And I got to be on TV."

A.J. Lutz plans to attend the OU's Athens campus but said that knowing his way around the southern campus will certainly come in handy.

"I think this is good because I plan on coming back in the summer and taking some classes," Lutz said. "I just live down the street so it is easy to get here."

For other students, the visit gave them a glimpse into what they can expect next fall.

"I think this was fun. I liked it because this is where I plan to go to school," Kimberly Barnes said. "It is close to home and I don't want to go away yet because I love my mom."

Minford seniors will visit the campus today. Symmes Valley and Chesapeake students will visit next week.