CCC renovation project to open bids mid-March

Published 10:30 am Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Will advertise by beginning of next week


CHESAPEAKE — Renovation design plans for the county’s vocational school have been finalized and construction manager for the project said advertising for bids will begin next week.

The renovation project, about a $22 million endeavor, includes expanding classroom sizes at Collins Career Center by approximately 150 square feet and adding an additional 11,000 square feet to the building to meet code according to the Ohio School Facilities Commission.

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The project would also modernize the cafeteria and repair a crumbling infrastructure, which includes repairing the sewage plant, heating and air conditioning, electricity and a leaky roof.

At a special meeting Monday, the CCC board of directors approved the design plans and heard from the construction manager.

“We’ve finalized the design, completed our estimate and we’re virtually on budget,” said Brice Clawson of Hill International.

Clawson went on to say that the project was about $94,000 over budget, which after considering the variable bids expected to come in, would be a negligible amount.

Clawson also said he expected to get three to four bids per project package. There would be eight to 10 individual contracts awarded.

Once the project is complete, the OSFC requires that about $220,000 be set aside a year for 23 years to make sure CCC is maintained.

On the March primary ballot, voters will be asked to accept or reject a half-mill permanent improvement levy that would bring in funds for CCC to meet their OSFC requirement.

If the levy is voted down, the money would likely come from the school’s general fund and programs would be cut.

“If it fails we’ll have to run it again,” CCC Superintendent Steve Dodgion said. “There will be cuts this coming year if it doesn’t pass March 6.”

Dodgion said there hasn’t been a decision on where cuts would be made, but that the board will decide in the upcoming weeks before the election.

Dodgion has met with various civic groups and township trustees to campaign for the levy.

“I’m not getting a lot of negatives,” he said. “I really believe that the levy is so critical to the future of that school. I think if the voters truly understand that, I believe it will go through.”

Dodgion added that the levy is not new for the school. CCC previously had the levy for more than a decade until it lapsed two years ago due to an oversight.

In other business:

• The board approved trade and industry instructors to attend the national HVACR educators and trainers conference in Las Vegas, Nevada March 19-23. Dodgion said the cost of the trip was already included in the department’s budget and will not effect the general fund.

• The board also approved the hiring of a full-time cook to fill a vacant position.