Coal Grove girl seeks Miss Ohio Teen USA crown

Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 29, 2005

Katie Collins of Coal Grove will compete for the title of Miss Ohio Teen USA this weekend.

The competition is being held at the Vern Riffe Center for the Arts on the campus of Shawnee State University in Portsmouth.

She is the daughter of Juelda Collins and Phil Elias and is a senior at Dawson-Bryant High School.

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Her activities are varsity cheerleader captain; varsity volleyball, co-captain; secretary of the Key Club; secretary of the senior class, yearbook staff, Close-Up Club; Prom Committee and school sign committee.

Other interesting information about her includes dancing and modeling. She is currently on the fashion board of Lara's Bridals and Formals and is working part time at Lara's.

Friends are welcome to attend the pageant to support her by calling the Vern Riffe Center for the Arts box office for ticket information at (740) 351-3600.

Her sponsors for the Miss Ohio Teen USA Pageant are John and Lisa Suitor of Giovanni's of Cola Grove, Les Boggs, family and friends.

The young woman chosen as Miss Ohio Teen USA goes on to represent the state in the Miss Teen USA Pageant, live on national network television,and compete for over $100,000 in cash and prizes.