On Deck
Published 12:59 am Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Ironton girls’ basketball
has college scrimmage
Ironton High School will host a women’s college basketball scrimmage between Georgetown College and Capital University at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 22.
Admission is free.
Georgetown features former Ironton All-Ohio guard Jessica Waddle.
SVLL baseball board
elections set Sunday
Symmes Valley Little League baseball will conduct its annual board elections at 2 p.m. on Sunday in the high school cafeteria.
Rio Grande ‘300 Club’
tickets still available
RIO GRANDE — Tickets are still available for the University of Rio Grande’s annual “300 Club” banquet scheduled for 6 p.m. Saturday in the New Oliver Arena.
Tickets are $100 each for the fundraiser that supports future trips for the men’s and women’s basketball teams.
For more information, contact women’s coach Dave Smalley at (740) 245-7491 or by email at dsmalley@rio.edu, or men’s coach Ken French at (740) 245-7294 or by email at kfrench@rio.edu
Cash prize drawings will be held throughout the evening.The holder of the first ticket will receiver $200 with $100 awarded for every 10th ticket selected.
The holder of the 100th ticket will receiver $250, the 200th ticket gets $300, the 299th ticket gets $2,000 and the 300th ticket drawn is worth $10,000.
Dinner will be provided by The Wounded Goose Restaurant of Bidwell.