Compassion for a cause

Published 5:00 am Monday, August 26, 2024

As we look ahead to the changing colors of fall, Guardian Animal Medical Center is excited to announce a special event that brings our community together in support of a noble cause.
On Saturday, Sept. 14, 9 a.m.–1 p.m, I invite you to join us for the Wildlife Rescue Yard Sale, a unique event where every purchase and donation helps protect and rehabilitate our local wildlife.
The idea began with a personal experience that left a lasting impression on me. While participating in a reef conservation project, I witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of plastic pollution on our oceans. Seeing pieces of plastic floating in what should have been pristine waters, she was struck by the urgent need for environmental action. This moment of realization sparked a desire to do more, not only in my personal life but also within her community.
The Wildlife Rescue Yard Sale is a direct response to that experience—a way to turn concern into action. By bringing together the community for a day of shopping and awareness, the event aims to reduce waste, keep items out of landfills, and generate funds to support wildlife rehabilitation efforts at Guardian Animal Medical Center.
How You Can Get Involved
• Whether you’re a seasoned vendor or just looking to declutter your home, there’s a way for everyone to participate in the Wildlife Rescue Yard Sale.
• Local vendors are invited to reserve a spot at the yard sale for just $20. This is an excellent opportunity for small businesses, artisans, and anyone with gently used items to showcase and sell their goods. Not only will you have the chance to connect with the community, but you’ll also be contributing to a cause that supports wildlife conservation. All proceeds from slot rentals will go directly toward funding our wildlife rehabilitation programs.
• If you’re not a vendor but have items to sell, you can rent an individual slot for just $5. Whether you’re selling clothes, toys, books, or household items, this is a great way to give your gently used belongings a new life while supporting a worthy cause. Plus, you’ll be helping to keep these items out of landfills, contributing to the event’s broader environmental mission.
• Donate items
Can’t attend the event in person? You can still make a difference by donating items to be sold by Guardian Animal Medical Center. We welcome a wide range of items, including furniture, electronics, clothing, and more. All proceeds from the sale of donated items will go directly to our wildlife rehab programs. Any items that remain unsold will be donated to local charities, ensuring that nothing goes to waste.
One of the highlights will be the appearance of several magnificent birds of prey. These awe-inspiring creatures, some of which have been rehabilitated at our center, will be on hand for a special educational presentation. Visitors will have the chance to see these birds up close and learn about their role in our ecosystem.
The presence of these birds serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of wildlife conservation. Each bird has its own story of survival, and by attending the yard sale, you’ll be helping to support the ongoing care and rehabilitation of these and other animals in need.
This is more than just a community event—it’s a tangible way to make a difference in the lives of local wildlife. Here’s how your participation helps:
Every dollar raised at the yard sale will go directly to our wildlife rehabilitation efforts. Guardian Animal Medical Center is committed to providing medical care, shelter, and rehabilitation to injured and orphaned animals. Your participation ensures that we can continue to offer these vital services and give these animals a second chance at life.
By buying, selling, or donating items at the yard sale, you’re helping to reduce waste and promote sustainable living. Every item that’s reused or repurposed is one less item that ends up in a landfill. In a world where environmental concerns are growing, events like this are crucial in encouraging responsible consumption and waste management.
The yard sale is also an opportunity to raise awareness about the impact of plastic pollution and other environmental issues.
We’ll be sharing information and tips on how you can reduce your plastic footprint and make more eco-friendly choices in your daily life.
The Wildlife Rescue Yard Sale is more than just an opportunity to find great deals—it’s a chance to come together as a community and make a positive impact on our environment and our local wildlife. Every purchase, every donation, and every conversation at this event will help further our mission to protect and rehabilitate the animals that share our world.
We look forward to seeing you there and working together to create a healthier, more sustainable future for all.

MJ Wixsom, DVM MS is a best-selling Amazon author who practices at Guardian Animal Medical Center in Flatwoods, Ky. 606-928-6566

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