Ironton firefighters, from front, Lt. Joe Stevens, Mike Misner and Louie Sheridan speak about fire safety to a group of Kingsbury Elementary School students in 2002. (The Ironton Tribune | File photo | Howie McCormick)
Volunteer Melinda Webb, of South Point, reads “All of God’s Creatures” to Desireé Moore, 8, of Coal Grove during Make a Difference Day at the Ironton City Center in 2002. (The Ironton Tribune | File photo | Howie McCormick)
This photograph was taken while Miss Isabel Herrera, of Seville, Spain, and her hostess, Mrs. J.B. Renfroe, and Miss Ila Ree Coe, Lawrence County Extension agent, home demonstration, visited the Ironton publishing plant in 1966. Standing, Coe, seated, left, Renfroe and Herrera. (The Ironton Tribune | File photo)
Patrick Leighty, supervising sanitarian for the county, is seen with assistant Larry Adams in 1966. (The Ironton Tribune | File photo)
John Shafer, left, a member of the Iron City Antique Auto Club, who along with the Ironton Retail Trade Association sponsored the Antique and Classic Car Meet in June 1963, receives a plaque from an officer at the Wright-Patterson AFB, right. The pair stands beside Shaffer’s 1932 Chevrolet Sedan. (The Ironton Tribune | File Photo)
Seven majorettes from Rock Hill High School went to Athens where they will attend the 17th Annual Summer Music Clinic Workshop on the Ohio University campus in June 1967. Standing are l to r, Jeanie Sanborn, Linda Neal, Linda Runyon, Kaye Nance, Head Majorette, Gloria Clark, Lana Christian and Sharon Lewis. (The Ironton Tribune | File photo)