Students are deserving of services funded by DD levy
Published 7:54 am Tuesday, September 17, 2019
I’m writing to ask voters to support the Developmental Disabilities Levy. Lawrence County DD hasn’t asked for support of new millage in a levy since 1991 and costs for services have obviously increased greatly.
This levy will continue to support the much needed services provided to more than 500 children, students, and adults in Lawrence County.
Some important services that LCDD provides to the school districts is assisting students who experience difficulty in the classroom, ranging from physical differences, problems with concentration, learning, speech and perception to problems with behaviors and/or making and keeping friends. These difficulties may be due to one or more of the following: Physical disorders, psychiatric disorders, emotional and behavioral issues and learning differences.
Transitioning is another important service provided by LCDD. Transitioning is a process of moving from one place to the next. Like any transitioning process, careful planning is required to get where you want to go. The transition process supports the student to make the move from school to work. The student can direct their journey with the help from family and school.
Students with developmental disabilities have high expectations for their adult lives. They want to live, work, go to college and participate in their communities alongside their neighbors, friends and family.
The DD provides essential services for disabled citizens to lead productive and fulfilling lives. Other services provided include: early intervention for infants and toddlers, services for school-age children and teens, help with obtaining employment, coordinating adult job training and coaching, transportation, housing and much more.
Supporting this levy will continue services for deserving and wonderful individuals.
Steven L. Easterling
Superintendent of Dawson Bryant Local Schools