Izaak Walton fishing event on horizon

Published 10:37 am Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The Lawrence County Izaak Walton League Chapter will have its annual kids’ fishing derby on June 17.

The conservation group has been having the derby for a long, long time.

“We’ve been having the fishing tournament for years,” said IWLA Lawrence County Chapter Director David Reynolds. “I don’t even remember how long.”

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The event has been well-attended by young fishers.

“The most we have ever had was 115,” Reynolds said. “It’s for kids ages 0-17 and it is free. We just invite everyone to bring their kids out and have a good time.”

Fishers have to bring their own fishing rod and reel but “We do supply the bait,” Reynolds said.

Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and fishing begins at 9 a.m. and the event runs until 2 p.m.

“That’s when we give out the awards,” Reynolds said. “Whether a kid catches a fish or not, they go away with a prize. We give a trophy in each kids’ category for the most fish caught and the biggest fish.”

At noon, there will lunch with hot dogs.

The Izaak Walton League of America is a conservation group founded in 1922 by 54 anglers who wanted to preserve nature for future generations. The group was named after the 17th century man who authored “The Compleat Angler,” one of the first books about fishing ever published.

Nationally, the group hosts many different events.

“Everything we try to do is for conservation and kids,” Reynolds said.

The fishing derby will be at Izaak Walton in the Wayne National Forest. Take State Route 93 to the turnoff to Lake Vesuvius, go to Big Cannons Creek, and turn right.

“You can’t miss the sign, it is a big yellow 4×8 foot sign that says ‘IWLA Lake’ then drive 7 miles, a second sign directs you to turn left, and you can’t miss it,” said Reynolds.