Seek lunch options
Published 10:00 am Friday, September 26, 2014
One of the most important things a school district can provide to its students, besides an education, is nutrition.
It is no secret that children retain information better when their dietary needs are being met.
Unfortunately some parents and students in Lawrence County don’t believe those needs are being met with the provided school lunches.
Complaints have surfaced recently about whether the provided lunch portions are enough to meet the needs of growing children, especially high school students.
Each school that participates in the National School Lunch Program must provide fruit, vegetables, grains, meat or alternative and milk at each meal, and those proportion requirements are set by the USDA. This means local schools have very little control over what meals are served, as dropping the federal program would not allow students to get free and reduced lunches. And the free and reduced lunch program is absolutely essential for the many low-income families in Lawrence County.
It seems the best option for parents whose children are unsatisfied should check their school’s menu each week and planned packed meals if possible.
Because unless many, many more parents and school administrators across the country voice concerns over the federal lunch program, the guidelines are unlikely to change anytime soon.
Nutrition in schools should be of utmost concern to parents and those who feel their child’s needs are not being met should lead the charge.