EMS to get 2 new ambulances
Published 11:24 am Friday, January 31, 2014
Following the purchase of five new cruisers for the sheriff’s office, Lawrence County Commission approved the purchase of two new ambulances for the county’s EMS.
At its Thursday regular meeting the commission agreed to issue a bond for $220,000 that will be purchased by County Treasurer Stephen Burcham as part of the Neighborhood Investment Program. That bond will be for 3 years for 1.5 percent interest.
Also at the meeting Burcham reported that he recently renewed two certificates of deposit at an interest rate of 1.35 percent, slightly higher than previous rates the banks have offered.
That will bring in an additional $5,000 in interest with annual interest expected to come in at $176,000.
In other action the commission:
• Appointed Lela McClintock, Brenda Neville, Viviane Vallance, Richard Meyers, Ronnie Dials and Pat Leighty to the county planning commission for three-year terms;
• Received the collective bargaining agreement for the treasurer’s office local 92;
• Advertised for bids for sale of two surplus automobiles;
• Received a bid from Williams Electrical of $59,975 to install new lighting at the county jail;
• Received the weekly dog warden’s report where no dogs were destroyed; nine were adopted or sent to rescue and none were redeemed by owners.