Slippage project could be finished by spring 2014
Published 12:07 am Sunday, April 7, 2013
CHESAPEAKE — A contract for the project to repair the hillside slip along Rockwood Avenue in Chesapeake could be awarded this fall.
The Ohio Department of Transportation is finishing up acquiring a right-of-way, which should be completed in May.
“The property owner has signed over the agreement to allow the easement,” Kathleen Fuller, ODOT District 9, spokesperson, said. “We are good to go as far as real estate, which should be by May.”
Before construction on the slip repair can begin, ODOT had to acquire a temporary right-of-way through one parcel. The project, expected to cost approximately $1.8 million, will be similar to a tie-back done recently by ODOT in Scioto County.
ODOT plans to advertise the project in the summer with bid opening scheduled in September. The actual awarding of the contract would be about a week later.
Construction would start in early spring of 2014 with possible completion date of June 1, 2014. During the repair work Rockwood would be down to one lane with a signal light directing traffic.
The slippage has plagued the village of Chesapeake for more than two years with it even shutting the roadway down to a single lane.
“I am glad to see they are still working on it,” Chesapeake Mayor Dick Gilpin said. “We welcome any support that the state can give.”