Ironton Health Department Inspections
Published 10:46 am Tuesday, October 12, 2010
August 2010
Sta Tan Pool, Aug. 2
Standard Visit
Violations: Observed raw hamburger above hotdog sauce. Raw foods may drip and cross-contaminate foods below. Observed ice scoops with handles in ice. Handles of ice scoops may contaminate ice.
Mended Reeds, Aug. 11
Standard Visit
No violations at time of inspection.
Peddlers Home Cooking, Aug. 12
Standard/Complaint Visit
Violations: Food shall be kept at 41 degrees or less, observed ham, was 55 degrees. Operator put ice in machine to help cool. Complaint was dust on fan area in dining room, operator cleaned. Observed mold in ice machine, grease on grill in kitchen (they are cleaning this). Floor tiles missing in dry storage.
Save-a-Lot, Aug. 16
Standard/Complaint Visit
Violations: Complaint was outdated baby food, observed no outdated baby food. There is a large section of frozen food in freezer to be thrown out. The bottom of freezer units has dust, dirt and grime, also dead flies.
Suzy Q’s Cafe, Aug. 16
Standard Visit
Violations: The refrigerator needs a thermometer. The fan grill and refrigerator grill need cleaning.
Speedway #3718, Aug. 23
Standard Visit
Violations: No lids on trashcan. Operator states has contacted city with no luck.
Toro Loco, Aug. 23
Standard Visit
Violations: There is evidence of mold in ice machine. Discussed food temperatures.
Rax Roast Beef #183, Aug. 25
Standard Visit
Violations: The grill for air conditioning unit is dirty.
Murphy’s Bar and Grill, Aug. 25
Complaint Visit
No sewer smell at time of inspection. Bathroom has hot water.
Violations: The dumpster needs lids and is causing odor.
Ironton City Schools K-8, Aug. 26
Standard Visit
Violations: Sinks for manual hand washing must have three sinks and used in the order: wash, rinse, sanitize. The dumpsters need lids. A sign or poster that notifies employees to wash their hands shall be provided at all hand washing sinks.
JAB Lounge, Aug. 27
Complaint Visit
Violations: Hand washing sink shall be equipped to provide water at a temperature of at least 100 degrees. Temperature is 78 degrees, hot water turned off. The women’s restroom faucet is broken. Sewage shall be conveyed to the point of disposal through an approved sanitary sewage system or other system, including use of sewage transport vehicles, waste retention tanks, pumps, pies, hoses and connections that are constructed, maintained, and operated according to law. Receptacles and waste handling units for refuse, recyclables used with materials containing food residue and used outside the food service operation or retail food establishment shall be designed and constructed to have tight fitting lids, doors or covers.
September 2010
Close to Home Assisted Living, Sept. 7
Pre-licensing Visit
Everything is up to code. Facility is ready to open.
St. Lawrence School, Sept. 8
Standard Visit
Violations: A sink with a least three compartments shall be provided for manually washing, rinsing and sanitizing equipment and utensils. There is a two-compartment sink in the kitchen.
The Paddock, Sept. 9
Standard Visit
Violations: Food employee was not wearing hair cover. Non food contact surfaces shall be kept free of accumulation of dust, dirt, food reside and other debris.
Papa John’s Pizza, Sept. 9
Standard Visit
Violations: Can opener has food residue on it. The baseboard is coming apart from the wall by the three-compartment sink.
Lawrence County Head Start, Sept. 10
Standard Visit
No violations at time of inspection.
First Baptist Church, Sept. 13
Standard Visit
Violations: There are crumbs in trays of hoppers.
Open Door School, Sept. 13
Standard Visit
Violations: Microwave has food splatters on the top inside. The operator cleaned during inspection. Refrigerator door has dirt on it, cleaned during inspection. Chest freezer has dust on it.
Ironton High School, Sept. 14
Standard Visit
Violations: One employee not wearing hair restraints, the rest put them on. A thermometer is needed in the milk cooler.
Little Caesar’s Pizza, Sept. 15
Standard Visit
Violations: The blue mat that trays rest on has grime on it. Handle on women’s restroom toilet is broken. The back wall has cracks in it, women’s restroom has cracks in wall.
Liebert (lunch room), Sept. 16
Standard Visit
Violations: There is pink mold in the inside of ice machine. This is a critical item.
Bryant Adult Foster Home, Sept. 20
Standard Visit
Violations: Observed raw ground beef above eggs and milk. This is a critical item. Operator corrected violation. The can opener has food debris ad grime on it.
Liebert (lunch room), Sept. 21
Follow-up Visit
The ice machine has been cleaned.
Close to Home Assisted Living, Sept. 28
Standard/ 30-Day Visit
No violations at time of inspection.
Kentucky Fried Chicken, Sept. 28
Standard Visit
Violations: Toaster has grime on it. Pipe behind fryers has grease on them. Toast master drawer has grime on them. The chicken was 102 and 122 degrees. This is a critical item. Temperature controlled food for safety shall be held at 135 degrees, was corrected. There are grease spots on ceiling. There is a sewer gas smell in men’s room.
Speedway #9760, Sept. 29
Standard Visit
Violations: The tray under hot dogs on hot dog machine has crumbs on it. The hand sink in backroom has dirt on it. There is dust on cover of fan in walk-in cooler. There are no hand wash signs in the men or women’s rest room. There is a hole in wall in backroom. There is dust on ceiling of beer cooler.
VFW #8850, Sept. 29
Standard/Complaint Visit
Violations: The refrigerator needs to be cleaned inside and out. Food splattered on wall, clean in corners of kitchen. The refrigerator needs a thermometer.