Stitching the Rainbow
Published 9:43 am Thursday, March 18, 2010
SOUTH POINT — The Lawrence County Homemakers presented their annual quilt show Tuesday morning at the South Point branch of the Briggs Lawrence Public Library.
The event offered a wide array of quilts, both new and heirloom, as well as those sewn on machine or by hand.
This year homemakers brought in 30 quilts to put on display for the day.
Among those was a 1914 Heritage quilt brought by Mary Gene Patterson that had been in her family. Made out of pieces of silk about the size of an afghan, it was hand quilted with the date it was made stitched in a corner.
Vada Mount of Kitts Hill brought in a quilt her mother and sister had put together out of remnants from feed sacks from the days when chicken feed and the like were measured out into colorful pieces of fabric stitched together to make bags.
“I’ve used it for a long time,” Mount said.
Also on display were cross stitching and examples of stained glass.